Appointment Request System
The Travel Exchange appointment request system is scheduled to open on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, and will stay open through Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. Appointment schedules will be posted on Friday, Oct. 25. 2024, which is also the opening date for Direct Request. Direct Request will close Nov. 6, 2024.
- Request appointments
- Make direct requests
- Update my profile (You can do this 24/7, 365 days a year)
Appointment scheduling 101
Before appointment scheduling opens: Be sure to update your NTA online profile (Only a company’s primary NTA contact can update the company’s online profile). Your online profile gives you the chance to mark the states, countries, and provinces that you DO visit, and the states, countries, and provinces that you DO NOT. If you “block” a state, country, or province, no seller from that location will be able to add you to their appointment request list. This year, buyers are able to block up to eight states or provinces—fewer than in the past, opening up more possibilities for everyone. It is extremely important for buyers to update and fine-tune their online profiles, and sellers to study those profiles. The goal: Make every request count!
Be sure to complete your profile prior to Sept. 13. Once the appointment request system opens, you will not be able to go back and change or add blocked destinations.
Be sure you’re registered correctly. If you registered as a buyer, you will receive appointments with DMOs and Tour Suppliers. If you wish to sell your tour product to other operators, you will need to be registered as a Tour Operator Seller.
Only those who registered as a full appointment-taking buyer will receive prescheduled appointments. You will also receive an appointment booth of your own. If you registered as a Direct Request Appointment-Taker, you will not receive prescheduled appointments. However, once Direct Request opens, you will be required to request appointments with a minimum of 30 sellers. You will have an appointment booth of your own. If you registered as a non-appointment-taker, you will not have prescheduled appointments, and you will not have an appointment booth. If you registered as a seller, you will not have an appointment booth of your own, and you will walk from appointment to appointment. If you registered incorrectly, contact NTA HQ.
During the appointment request phase: Fill up your request list! The more requests you make, the better-matched your appointments will be. Your opportunity for doing more business also increases substantially, so try to schedule the maximum. If you are a full appointment-taker and do not submit any requests, you’ll still receive a full schedule of tour supplier and DMO requested appointments.
During the Direct Request phase: Once your customized appointment schedule is posted on Oct. 25, the Direct Request phase opens. During these two weeks, suppliers and DMOs can request specific appointments with you based on openings in your schedule. You’ll receive a notification that you have a request. Please reply to each request by either accepting it (in which case, it’s added to your schedule) or declining it (so that the seller can request a different operator for that time slot). And remember that you can request additional appointments as well. This phase is scheduled to close on Nov. 6.
During Travel Exchange: Be sure to be ready for your appointments. Suppliers and DMOs have requested you because they feel they have an exciting destination or product to offer your travelers. You’re there to learn about new destinations and product. The appointment is where both parties make this happen. So if you have an appointment on your schedule, be present for it.
Need help? NTA is here for you, just call our member services team at +1.859.264.6540 or toll free 800.682.8886 (US and Canada) for assistance.