Buyers come to Travel Exchange eager to build or perfect itineraries, and sellers are there to deliver solutions. They swap ideas and info in business appointments as well as in casual settings.
The Travel Exchange appointment request system is scheduled to open on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, and will stay open through Tuesday, Oct. 15. Appointment schedules will be posted on Friday, Oct. 25, which is also the opening date for Direct Request. Direct Request will close Nov. 6.
- Request appointments: Sept. 24–Oct. 15
- Make direct requests: Oct. 25–Nov. 6
- Update my profile (You can do this 24/7, 365 days a year)
For more info on appointments, select your registration type on the list to the left. Please note that associates do not have prescheduled appointments. They can, however, access the TREX Floor for on-site appointments with tour operators.